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3rd Grade Block






Monday & Wednesday

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Art Room


$72 /week for 32 weeks and a one-time $50 material fee

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As a class, we will cover the foundational skills needed for success in reading, comprehension, spelling/phonics, writing, and arithmetic. Our engaging lessons will reinforce and build upon prior knowledge through games, worksheets, individualized reading books, themed units, homework, and hands-on activities.

We will have clear monthly goals for the students, making it easier for the parents to work with their children 3 days a week. Sight words and spelling words will be divided equally across the 32 weeks, with checkups along the way. Parents will be able to monitor their child's success throughout the year. We want each child to have the freedom to learn in their own way while making sure that milestones are met. This way, we can immediately identify gaps or learning glitches and make adjustments to help the student. As parents and teachers work together as a team, your child will be encouraged and challenged but not overwhelmed.

Each student will have a take-home binder to facilitate learning between the Center and your school at home. We will provide clear goals, structured activities, frequent assessments, and consistent communication. Children will have math & literacy homework of roughly 90 minutes per week (30 minutes for each day not in class) sent home weekly.

Students must bring a backpack, water bottle, and snack/lunch to class daily. They will need to dress comfortably for outside playtime.

You may schedule a time with the teacher to discuss/assess your child’s readiness.


Saxon Math 3, Home Study Kit

ISBN: 156577020X

IBN-13: 9781565770201,%20HOME%20STUDY%20KIT%20%20ISBN:%20156577020X%20%20%20ISBN-13:%209781565770201%20&item_code=&ps_exit=RETURN|legacy&Ntk=keywords&event=ESRCG

Christian Light Language Arts 301-310 LightUnit Set

Grade 3 Pentime - Cursive

Item #35-23

© The Center for Home Education

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