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National Parks Tour








Annex 3


$15/week for 32 weeks and a one-time fee $40 supply fee

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Shannon Jackson

Who doesn’t love a family vacation?! Kids love to be outdoors and explore their surroundings. Buckle up and get ready to take a virtual road trip with Mrs. Jackson! We are going to travel the US and visit some of our National Parks! But no GPS here!!! We are going to use maps and plan our way to fun. Learning comes easy when kids are engaged and excited.

And who knows??? Maybe they will plan your next summer vacation for you!!!

While “visiting” the parks we will learn and practice:

Trip planning


Map reading






Even some Math Skills

And the occasional craft or art project to complete the fun!

This class is appropriate for ages 9-13. Students should be comfortable reading and writing in order to independently complete classroom work or worksheets.

Students will be expected to complete homework during the week. This homework should take approximately 1 to 1.5 hours per WEEK outside of the classroom. Homework may consist of independent study or research, and/or worksheets, or small projects.

Students will have a larger project due at the end of each semester. (So 2 total) They will research and create an informative project to present to the class at the end of each semester. The project will be on one of the national parks that is not covered during class. It will consist of a research style paper, and a visual presentation. The purpose of this project is to teach students to work and research independently, practice time management, work on their organizational skills, and also will help give them an opportunity to speak in front of small groups in a familiar environment. 

There is not a textbook required for this class. All information will be provided by the teacher.

© The Center for Home Education

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