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This popular elementary science series was originally created when Jeannie Fulbright, author and

homeschool mom, was looking for a quality elementary science series that was creation-based

using the Charlotte Mason approach. When she didn't find the curricula she was looking for she

decided to create her own.

These books use the classical and Charlotte Mason methodology including narration and note

booking to develop critical thinking, logical ordering, retention, and record keeping.

Since the Charlotte Mason method is employed, every lesson is organized with a narrative,

notebook work, an activity, and a project. The student notebook is emphasized in the lessons.

Activities and projects bring the lessons to life and use simple household items. The books come

from a strong creationist viewpoint, including sections called "Creation Confirmation" and

Scripture interwoven throughout the book.

Lesson topics include:

  • Gravity

  • Our Solar System

  • Clocks, Calendars, and Seasons

  • Astronomers and Astronauts

  • Solar Flares, Auroras, and Sunspots

  • Rotation and Revolution

  • The Moon’s Phases

  • A Comet’s Orbit

  • Jupiter’s Rings

  • Galaxies

  • Constellations

Required Text:

Apologia Astronomy, 2nd edition, and the

Regular Notebooking Journal, 2nd edition

Required Supplies:

Colored pencils, scissors, stick glue, pencils

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