Forensic Science
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
Annex 2
$19.50/week for 32 weeks and a one-time $65 material fee
This class is a hands-on approach to forensics. Some topics covered will be crime scene investigation, hair analysis, fibers and textiles, botany, fingerprints, DNA profiling, blood splatter, toxicology, handwriting, entomology, soil examination, anthropology, glass evidence, impressions, tool marks, and ballistics.
Each chapter of the text contains activities to practice what has been learned. The class will discuss different cases and forensics careers. Parents should be aware that some weeks will get graphic.
Homework: 2-3 hours per week
Students should come to class prepared with a 3 ring binder to keep handouts, a pencil, and their textbook.
Required Texts:
Forensic Science Fundamentals & Investigations - 2nd Edition
ISBN: 9781305077119
National Geographic Learning
-- not in the CHE bookstore, must purchase on your own. Approximately $100 new.