L.A. 7/8

1:15 PM - 2:45 PM
Annex 1
$19.50/week for 32 weeks and a one-time $40 material fee
This is a comprehensive language arts and literature studies course that will cover writing, vocabulary, spelling, and reading comprehension while promoting active reading and reflective thinking. Literature studies will provide the stimulus for writing, and assignments will give students exposure to the elements, language, and methods of writing focusing on content, style, organization, and mechanics. Writing skills will be challenged and refined through classroom instruction, guided practice, and at-home assignments.
Students need to read and write at the 7th-grade level. This is not a remedial class. Please plan to spend 3-6 hours each week reading the assigned chapters and completing homework assignments.
Supplies: Spiral notebooks and pencils
Required curriculum for Mrs. Crall’s Class:
You do not need to purchase all of these at once, as we only work through one at a time.
· Holes by Louis Sachar (Progeny Press)
· Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt (Progeny Press)
· A Wrinkle In Time by Madeleine L’Engle (Progeny Press)
· Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson (Progeny Press)