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L.A. 11/12








Annex 2


$22.50/week for 32 weeks and a one-time fee $40 supply fee

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Kathy Abelanet

This class is a comprehensive language arts and literature studies course that will cover writing, vocabulary, spelling, and reading comprehension while promoting active reading and reflective thinking. 

Literature studies will provide the stimulus for writing, and assignments will give students exposure to the elements, language, and writing methods, focusing on content, style, organization, and mechanics. Writing skills will be challenged and refined through classroom instruction, guided practice, and at-home assignments. 

The first semester will be focused on reading the literary works while the second semester will be focused on writing multiple types of essays such as argumentative, expository, persuasive, etc. 

Students need to read and write at the 11th-grade level. This is not a remedial class. 

**Participation is expected and absolutely required in class. This is NOT a lecture-based class.

Weekly Homework: 4-6 hours each week reading the assigned chapters and completing homework assignments. 

Please note there will be essay assignments that may not pertain to the novels being read. While we will analyze the literature, students will be given essay assignments that will provide practice for writing in genres such as persuasion and argumentation. 

Texts Required (in the order of being read throughout the year): 

Beowulf (Progeny Press) 

Little Women (Progeny Press) 

Romeo and Juliet (Progeny Press) 

Heart of Darkness (Progeny Press) 

Essay/Homework/Technology requirements: 

Students MUST have computer access, the ability to research and write on various subjects. Students must have Google Docs or Microsoft Word for creating word documents, writing essays, etc. 

Students MUST have the ability to upload their electronic copies of homework to Google Docs; if this does not work, the student MUST be able to email the teacher their homework. Unless done in class, written assignments MUST be typed and turned in electronically.

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